“Last summer Vin and I put all the past behind us.

The next Fast & Furious film you’ll see the legendary lawman in will be the HOBBS movie that will serve as a fresh, new chapter & set up for FASTX: Part II.” Your reactions around the world to Hobbs’ return in Fast X have blown us away. Johnson shared on his Twitter, “Luke Hobbs will be returning to the Fast & Furious franchise. Movieguide® Award nominee Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson announced his return to work in the new Fast and Furious film. Chief among these is the presence of DC Comics' big guns, like Batman and Wonder Woman, who were curiously absent during the battle in the original comics.Published: JPhoto from DwayneJohnson’s Instagramĭwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Set to Make Return to FAST & FURIOUS Franchise Certainly what has been seen of the movie from its early trailers suggests other changes have been made to improve certain flaws within the original story. It is unclear if The Death of Superman will explore this background in-depth, or if O'Connell was referring to something else when he said that Doomsday would be " updated" for this film. The scientist succeeded beyond his wild dreams, creating a creature that could die multiple times and be reborn immune to whatever had killed it before. He was the final product of an alien scientist's experiment to breed the ultimate survivor. Later comic-book stories revealed that Doomsday was originally a being called The Ultimate. O'Connell is correct when he says that the original Death of Superman comic did not bother giving Doomsday a lengthy backstory and that few people really know who he is. The popularity of the comic led to a long line of similar stories where other DC Comics' heroes seemingly died or were forced to retire, such as when Batman's back was broken by the villain Bane in Knightfall. It was later revealed that Superman had merely lapsed into a deep coma, as Superman returned just in time to save the world from a new menace in The Return of Superman. The story focused upon the battle between Superman and the alien creature dubbed Doomsday, with Superman managing to defeat the apparently mindless monster at the cost of his own life. Released in 1992 to high praise and huge sales, the original The Death of Superman would become one of the most influential comic books of what is commonly known today as The Dark Age of Comics. While not elaborating on precisely why that is so, O'Connell's comments may hint at some big changes to the infamous villain, in this animated adaptation of the classic comic book storyline. Voice actor Jerry O'Connell, who plays the role of Superman in the upcoming animated project The Death of Supermansays that the movie has a "scary good" version of Doomsday.